New Giveaways

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I’m posting this in a rush bc I have only 4 hours left to sleep!

I’m flying to Israel and should arrive there in 3 days so I can’t update or post listings until I reach the country and get an internet connection.

See you all in a few days!



Posted in Updates and expiring
Congratulations to Joanne J. – winner of the Breda Watches giveaway and future proud recipient of the gorgeous Meryl Watch!
Definetely shows that taking advantage of the extra entries truly increases your chances of winning!
Everyone else, no fear! Breda Watches is working on more giveaway hostings + they also host giveaways on their Facebook page… and their watches are only one easy purchase away!
Posted in Fashion, Jewelry, Updates and expiring
Today is my birthday!!!
I turn 26 today… I got a really great cake and my family is coming over for dinner.. yumz!
So in my traditional only-once-per-year request… how about a birthday present for International Giveaways? 🙂
Your support will keep IG functioning and it will help cover my expenses.
So please do consider helping out... consider all the time and effort I put into the site and all the great prizes you’ve won thanks to IG!
Thank you!!!
Posted in Updates and expiring

Are you new to International Giveaways?

Then make sure to read this so you can understand how the website and the giveaway world work!

My name is Ronit and I love entering giveaways and winning amazing prizes from all over the world.  I’m devoted to helping spread the idea of opening giveaways worldwide so people from all over the globe can win.

I have won dozens of really great prizes of all sizes, costs and uses… ranging from gift certificates, outfits, accessories, makeup and even shoes!  Participating in giveaways is really fun, especially when you receive that “Congratulations! You’ve Won” e-mail.

To get started with giveaways I suggest doing the following things:

  1. Create a new e-mail address ONLY for entering giveaways and sweepstakes.  That way you don’t have to worry about spam or other unsolicited e-mails.  Make sure to check it constantly to not lose a prize!
  2. If you don’t already have them, create a Twitter account and a Facebook account.  Many giveaways give you the chance to win extra entries for advertising the giveaway in these sites!
  3. Download, install and set-up a program called “Texter” to make giveaways easier and faster to enter.  Read more about this in the “Tips” section. (Coming Soon)
  4. Follow my site by e-mail, RSS reader, Facebook, Twitter or by visiting the site daily.  You will always see new giveaways posted on the main page, and you can also easily list them by expiration date with a click of a button.  Enter giveaways you’re interested in and watch the prizes come in!
International Giveaways readers win prizes all the time!  And winners come from all corners of the world.
If something is left unanswered or if you have further questions, please feel free to write me an e-mail to internationalgiveaways[at]gmail[dot]com or fill out the form here.
Posted in Reviews & Giveaways, Updates and expiring
How long has it been seen my last update??
Well, I’m excited to say that I’ve been working on many changes on the site so it runs more smoothly!Most importantly though, I’ve missed everyone and it’s really a pleasure to get back in touch with you all. :o)  Remember that I’m only an e-mail, FB post, comment or chat message away!
The bigger changes are:
  • A new menu bar!! Ta-da!  The new menu has far more options than the last one so it’s easier to find things in the site and I’m hoping it is better organized than the previous menu.
  • I changed the format of the giveaway listings so I can post more giveaways, faster – hope it looks good in everyone’s screen & browser.  I need feedback from people regarding submission – is it working okay or is the new form giving you trouble?
  • New featured listing + 24 hour rush option to ensure your giveaway is noticed and quickly posted! You can take a look at the two new options in the menu bar under “List Your Giveaway”.
  • There are a bunch of new pages but I’m still in the process of finishing them all up.
  • So I know on your end this wasn’t too influential, but after messing with code forever, I finally fixed a huge bug in my site that didn’t allow me to number comments in giveaways.  SO, now that it’s been solved, I can host giveaways again!! 😀  Contact me if you’re interested in hosting one!
  • New social media buttons in each post so you can easily share giveaways & posts!!
Other smaller changes
  • Fixed javascript issues (oh the terror)
  • New favicon so you can easily spot International Giveaways in your bookmarks
  • There are tons more, but I don’t remember them all… and more coming up.
And finally, for the really exciting news, there’s a new giveaway coming up for a gorgeous watch (your choice of color) from Breda Watch.

Much love to everyone, please send me feedback regarding these changes!

Posted in Updates and expiring