- A new menu bar!! Ta-da! The new menu has far more options than the last one so it’s easier to find things in the site and I’m hoping it is better organized than the previous menu.
- I changed the format of the giveaway listings so I can post more giveaways, faster – hope it looks good in everyone’s screen & browser. I need feedback from people regarding submission – is it working okay or is the new form giving you trouble?
- New featured listing + 24 hour rush option to ensure your giveaway is noticed and quickly posted! You can take a look at the two new options in the menu bar under “List Your Giveaway”.
- There are a bunch of new pages but I’m still in the process of finishing them all up.
- So I know on your end this wasn’t too influential, but after messing with code forever, I finally fixed a huge bug in my site that didn’t allow me to number comments in giveaways. SO, now that it’s been solved, I can host giveaways again!! 😀 Contact me if you’re interested in hosting one!
- New social media buttons in each post so you can easily share giveaways & posts!!
- Fixed javascript issues (oh the terror)
- New favicon so you can easily spot International Giveaways in your bookmarks
- There are tons more, but I don’t remember them all… and more coming up.
Much love to everyone, please send me feedback regarding these changes!

I’m in the midst of making changes to the site – adding new pages, changing formats, etc,. so please ignore all the strange posts I’ve been putting up lately. :o)
I created a Facebook page for International Giveaways!
Please “like” it or follow through networked blogs so we can all chat there and so I don’t feel silly being the only personed who ‘liked’ the page. :o)
I set it so it posts all new giveaways I post here and of course, if you want to give me suggestions, tell me about something that’s not working right, or just plain write to me… it’s the best place to do it!
Here is the direct link to the page:
There are also widgets set-up on the homepage sidebar – one for “liking” and the other for Networked Blogs.
Hope to see you guys there!!
I missed you all and of course the giveaway world! I’m back and soon things will be functioning on International Giveaways again. 🙂
For now, just a few updates…
1) I’m changing things around in the site. I’m not sure yet exactly how or what but I want to try a few new ideas and see how that goes. That includes organizing monthly giveaways based on themes like a Jewelry theme, etc.
2) Winners of previous giveaways will be announced shortly. Sorry about that!
3) For the time being, I won’t list new giveaways being hosted elsewhere.

Hi everyone!!
I just want to write a very quick post to say hello to everyone and update you on the current situation as it stands. :o)
So, I AM back from my vacation. However, because I left for so long, during that time a few things came up in my life and I really can’t work on the website for now…
That means that I need to prioritize and handle a few other important issues. And, I may be taking another trip soon because of it…
I promise I’ll be back and working on the website as soon as possible!
Much love to all of you,