I Need Your Support!
Hi Everyone!
I’ve slightly disappeared for the past few days and I’m really sorry about that. Giveaway submissions have been posted although I failed to let the hosts know, and I haven’t responded to e-mails or posted many giveaways… I know, I suck! I’m gonna try to get back in shape today. :o) Sorry about that!! (The internet connection has been crummy, in my defense).
So I wanted to make a little personal request and ask you all to please participate in the MyCandyEyes giveaway I’m hosting! Click here or on the right sidebar under “Now Open”
If the giveaways being hosted on this site are successful, I’ll be able to get more internationally open giveaways for you guys to enjoy!

So please do me that huge favor and participate in the giveaway. 🙂 I really need & appreciate your support.
Thanks everyone!!